Saturday 16 October 2010

blast from the past...

New From Fifi....

With the process of researching and producing my final year collection firmly in my head I wanted to look back at my earlier work. Looking at them from a styling/ theme point I feel that my design aim has developed and changed. Im still very much colour-driven and LoOvE the exploration of colour and the shapes and lines that are created when on the body. However I would like to think I have matured in my design process and also in the manufacturing. I am a better sewer due to my constant time on my brother sewing machine. I am still a draping enthusiast as I am into soft drape lines and flowing detail created on a mannequin. I have developed my pattern making skills through the years and I have found that I can create innovative pattern cuttings!

Check out some images from my previous collection!...

oh how i've grown...

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